Director's Message

Established Since 1993, Mehr Taban Academy Consists Of Mehr Taban Biliteracy-Promoting School (MBS) And Mehr Taban International School (MIS) And Offers High-Quality Education To Inspire Students To Achieve To Their Full Potential.

With five campuses across Shiraz and a student body of approximately 200o, Mehr-e-Taban School offers the finest facilities available in the region to students from Kindergarten to grade 12.

At Mehr-e-Taban Biliteracy-promoting School our students receive quality Persian education in full accordance with the requirements of the Iranian Department of Education in addition to being taught fully in English in the afternoon. French is also offered as a subject from grade 7. Students are well equipped for entering universities both in Iran and abroad. MBS has a rich and active community in which students work for the school in the summer and teach courses in English using different online platforms.


Mehr-e-Taban International School (MIS) has been recently established based on 20 years of experience at MBS. MIS sets high expectations for individual achievement. The language of instruction at the school is English and the school’s curriculum is based on International standards, providing students with broad and in-depth knowledge in all subject areas.

Our focus is to provide an environment to encourage personal growth while developing students’ core and essential skills, as well as their capacities for critical thinking and creativity. The faculty are highly-trained educators committed to ensuring the successful development of all students.

Mehr-e-Taban International School is an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) world school offering the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme.

IB World Schools share a common philosophy—a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high quality programmes of international education that share a powerful vision.

MIS Community

The First Director of School is Zahra Goorangi, a highly experienced Iranian principal who has worked in education in different countries around the world.

Each grade level has between 10 and 30 students in it, and our students undertake many activities together.

Our students come from different backgrounds. Most are from local families, while around 20% are from families that are only temporarily in Iran because of their employment or business. These can be families from elsewhere in Iran, or from outside of Iran.

As a school with a commitment to international-mindedness, MIS helps foreign students stay in touch with their own language and culture, while immersing them in an English speaking school environment with a distinct international flair. For more information, visit


Our Diploma

The high school Diploma is a two-year course that includes mathematics, at least one advanced science course, a humanities subject and two languages, one of which is a literature course.

The Diploma demands reasonable proficiency in English, and we recommend that students from overseas spend Grade 10 with us as a pre- Diploma year during which they follow a full course of study at the school, and use this time to improve their English and become accustomed to our style of working.

All Diploma students must study a second language, but many of MIS’s graduates are awarded the Biliteracy-promoting Diploma in recognition of their very high level of proficiency. Students may be rewarded the IB Diploma once the school receives IB Authorization status.

School Counseling

Our school Counselor is dedicated to helping all MIS students through the process of applying to college and universities both within Iran and overseas.

Shiraz has outstanding colleges for science, engineering, technology and medical sciences in particular, as well as the full range of career disciplines.

Only schools authorized by the International Baccalaureate can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme or the IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit
